"Live Shock (2015)": Zombie Outbreak at the Station

Korean Drama "Live Shock"

Welcome, foreign fans of Korean culture! Today, we are going to introduce you to the Korean drama "Live Shock" aired in 2015.This zombie-themed short drama has gained popularity in Korea and abroad for its thrilling plot and outstanding performances by the cast. Check out more stories about "Live Shock."

Plot Summary (Synopsis)


Song Eun-beom, the protagonist of the story, leads a tough life running a part-time café and caring for his younger sister. One day, he's invited to participate in a discussion program on youth unemployment, but it takes a dangerous turn when a thug breaks into the control room and threatens the panelists to expose a pharmaceutical company's bio-testing practices. As it turns out, one of the panelists is involved in the case. However, things take a bizarre turn when the assailant begins to exhibit unusual symptoms.

Main Cast

Baek Sung-hyun as Song Eun-beom

Baek Sung-hyun is a Korean actor who has appeared in numerous popular dramas and films. He first made a name for himself by portraying actor Kwon Sang-woo's childhood in the drama "Stairway to Heaven". Baek Sung-hyun is best known for his roles in popular dramas such as "IRIS 2" and "Doctors.

Attraction Points


One of the main attractions of the drama is the intense and emotional storyline centered around Eun-bum's efforts to save his sister. The love and bond between the siblings are heartwarming, and viewers will be drawn into their struggles and hardships. Another highlight is the character of Soo-hyun, who brings a fresh perspective to the unfolding crisis with her passion for reporting and determination to uncover the truth. 

Quick deployment

"Live Shock" offers several unique features that set it apart from other zombie-themed dramas. The show's short format keeps the story tightly focused, allowing the plot to develop quickly and efficiently. The fast pacing also ensures that every episode is packed with excitement and suspense, making it easy to get hooked.


Another attraction point is the show's use of a radio station as a setting. As you follow the cameras in the show, you'll be able to see parts of the station that have been shrouded in mystery. This unique location adds an extra layer of tension to the story, as the characters must work to stay alive while also trying to keep their broadcast going.

Ratings and Reviews

"Live Shock" did not receive high ratings due to its short drama format, with only 3.3% of viewers tuning in at its airtime. However, given that it aired before the hit movie "Train to Busan," it's clear that the show's compelling zombie story was able to capture viewers' attention.

Viewer reactions were mixed, with some criticizing the show's weak storyline for a genre drama. However, the general consensus was that "Live Shock" was a unique and innovative show that was difficult to find in other dramas. Given the limitations of a short drama with a limited production budget, this positive response is a good indication of the show's success. On the Korean rating site WATCH, the show received a 3.1 rating.

Behind the Scenes

Here are some Interesting Facts about "Live Shock"

  • The show was filmed on location at real stations.

In conclusion, "Live Shock" is definitely worth a watch for anyone who enjoys Korean zombie-themed dramas. With a unique setting and great performances from the cast, this drama is still going strong. If you're looking for an exciting and thrilling drama, be sure to add "Live Shock" to your list!